Lilith's Other Sister----Kindle Direct Publishing! Forbids Sales of Like Items on Your Site. If They Are Promoting It...

most folks know that I am notorious for underselling...but its just because my pricing model is somewhat based on medieval economics pricing strategies,which i think are more natural.  With Kindle Direct Publishing, if you want to take advantage of the Kindle Direct Select have to make sales of your item on any other platform, including your own site...not available.  This is what I have tried to do in the last couple of hours, and decided that I needed to experiment with this more with this platform. So until the 28th of November you won't be able to buy Liliths Other Sister here, but you can get it free on Amazon!

So go to  Kindle Amazon Selling Platform Lilith Other Sister Free. Then hop on by and buy a digital download to listen to while you read the graphic novel. 


was a blast!!!  I am definitely going to do this again.   And my cat ......

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